starting my journey ...
Well,I'm getting excited about my nutritional evaluation and the presurgical psychological screening. The first of many appointment to pave the path of my journey. It almost seems like a dream. Please let this be real. Both appointment are tommorrow 3/29, and then Dr.Nye on April 6th. I'll post more once the appointments are over. I received a email from the help/support for profile "make-over", I must have missed the first email. But I sent the information to them. People here are great, always willing to help.
Any and all advise would be GREAT
Thanks in advance

Thank you all for the encouragement...Went to the nutrintionist and all went well then to the psychologist and that was not as bad as I thought, but still un easy about talking to a stranger about things. But now waiting for the insurance to approve the psych test, I sure hope so, saves me $250.00. But either way has to be completed for the insurance and the approval for the surgery. Best wishes to all tonight. And thank you for listening.
Good night,