Help for a friend that lives in deltona
I live in new york and go to the meetings here and I am always loged on with my Amos family and would love to help a friend that has no clue where to go for a meeting in his area, he just moved to deltona he says it's close to Orlando. If anyone could help us find out where to go we would apreciate.
297/ 165

There is a few meetings that happen every month or 2.
There is a support group that meets in Lake Mary at the Cingular building on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. It is usually pretty informal, we have a new leader and he is doing a great job coming up with new things to do. There are mainly Dr. Overcash patients there but everyone is welcome.
I know there is a meeting at Celebration monthly but I don't know the info on that one, I am sure someone will pipe up with that.
Amy B. hosts a informal meet and greet at the Altamonte Mall every other month (just had one last weekend) People come from around the state to sit around and talk about experiences.
Dawn and Omar host another informal meeting once a month. Again we sit around and talk about our experiences. The last one was at the Panera Bread on 436 and Maitland Ave.
All of the ones I listed except for Celebration are kinda close to Deltona.
Most meetings are announced here on the boards, so keep an eye out.
I'm in Tallahassee so I can't help you with news of meetings in the Orlando area but tell your friend to join OH and watch the FL message board. It sounds like there is alot of support group action in central FL and I'm sure he'd be welcome at any of them. Also, we'd love to have a new poster on the FL board so tell him to pop in anytime!
Vickie J.