Question of the day...
Do you remember your first crush? Who was it and how old were you?
Oh dear, I am trying to remember. Earliest I can remember is when I was 13 or 14. We lived in Canada at the time in a tiny logging and gold mining town. There were only about a dozen teenagers in our tiny town of about 300. I had a crush on a boy name Aaron. He liked me too come to find out but it never became more than a crush.
hope you had a blessed easter!

I was 13 or 14 and he was 17 or 19. The details are fuzzy but I know that he worked with my mom and that time and she told him I had a crush and he was nice- spent time with explained that age diffrences were illegal but that he was flattered and When I get older would love to spend more time.The next year he got his dream job working as a performer a disney- it was nice end to a crush and I have heard he is so happy with where he is at. That was what I caould remember of the first crush but there many more after that !! Happy day Ya' all !!!
Ok don't laugh at my age, I was about 7 (can't help it I've ALWAYS been boy crazy!) I lived next door to my cousins (kin by my father and their mother) they used to have cousins that came over (kin by their father) We were the same age, his name was Justin. We lived out in the country on a farm and we'd run to the field and sneak kisses or run behind a tree or a bush. Nothing serious, little pecks. We did that until we were teenagers. We even worked together when we were in our late teens and he still made my heart go pitter patter
Now he's married with several children of his own.

We were in Miss Hill's first grade.......I was seated in the front seat of one row and he was seated in the front seat on the row to my left. His name was Larry J_ _ _ _ _(I tracked him on Google -- he lives in TX now -- we are both far from our Tennessee roots.) He had blonde hair and blue eyes and we got caught several times passing notes to each other. That was nearly 50 yrs!