I may not get approval...Medicaid
hi ... i had surgery with dr cox in ft lauderdale on 1-19-05 . i live near orlando . so i am in orange county but the doc wasn't . i had to have my pcp give me a referal for the doctors that i saw in ft lauderdale and i even did alot of the pre-testing done at north ridge medical center in ft lauderdale . after i got the ok from the heart , lung and physic exam . it only took carey at the doctors office a week to get my approval . dont give up there is always a way to work things out .
good luck . keep us posted . and if you need to talk or if i can help just send me a e-mail
-100 lbs
Hi Sarah~~
I wasn't going to go on Tuesday because of an unexpected appointment; but that was canceled at the last minute... When I got that call...I grabbed my pocketbook and got on the bus and train to Miami...I didn't have breakfast; and forgot money for lunch...so I only stayed for Lab Band class, Nutrition, Social Services, and Nursing. I will have to wait a bit to go to the Support group...I do have to do some of the classes twice as is Byers rule. At least I took the quiz so I got that over with.
Have you gone to her support group in the past? Who runs it?
Take care!
I got some mixed communication, not sure if I had to attend a support group and therapy groups or just therapy. One paper said one thing the other something different so I played it safe and went to both, twice. The support group is facilitated by Dr. Benecort (sp?), he is in with Dr. Kato. He basically asked everyone to say why they are there, then asked pre-ops why they want the surgery and post-ops to share why they wanted it and if they have gotten the results they wanted, etc.
Don't worry about the psych eval... I was singing the same song as you - I have bipolar, on wonderful meds, and was always med compliant. I was so afraid to admit those things to the psych, but after being honest and talking about it, she told me that having bipolar would NOT exclude me from surgery. She said the doc would want to know what meds I'm on to see if I could get them in liquid or crushable form. What the psych wanted to make sure of was that I understood the changes that would have to take place in my life and that I was competent to follow through with the new diet. It really was a breeze... but I know how nerve-wracking the wait can be!! Good luck, and try not to worry.