A couple of questions
Hello Everyone,
My husband and I are both going through the 6 month requirement for the surgery and are hoping to have our surgery in June/July. My first question is, my husband and I are wanting to have the surgery together so we don't have to take off of work two different times and our doctor's office (Dr. Overcash) seems to think it will be fine. Does anyone out there have anyone they know or have experienced themselves having the surgery with someone else and what the pro's/con's would be?
My next question is, Dr. Overcash is only requiring us to do a psy. evaluation, thyroid testing and nutrition class pre-op but I know other's who have had to have heart stress test, etc. done before surgery. I was thinking about having our PCP refer us for those tests for my own peace of mind but don't know whether to take the time to do them or not?
Thank you everyone.
I believe Overcash only requires the stress test if you are over 40 y/o. Didn't you both fill out a packet with oodles of questions for his office? I know when I went to see Overcash they based a lot of the required tests on how I answered the questions in the packet. Maybe things have changed since last year. If you dont think your heart (and/or lungs) is healthy enough for surgery then get a referral from your PCP if that will give you peace of mind.
I was required to have the stress test and after a false positive result, was cleared for WLS. I have no regrets with my choice and hope you two feel the same way.
Thank you Amy. My husband and I are 29 and 32 so they said we would not need the heart stress test and we did get the packet of information with the oodles of questions but they told us that we are not suppose to turn this in until we have our final weigh in (which at that time would be to late to have tests I suppose). It's not that I don't think our heart or lungs are healthy enough for surgery (because we both do not have any health complications right now) it was just odd to me that others I have spoken to had to have all these tests done but we don't? Thank you for your time.
If you are interested, some of us from this board will be meeting tomorrow at the Altamonte Mall foodcourt at noon for a lil Meet and Greet (look for the balloons), we'll probably be there until about 3pm. There should be a few other Overcash patients there if you want to pick our brains. We would love to have you join us. BTW, I am in Clermont all the time and I live in Longwood, gotta love the 429 toll road to/from Apopka.
Think about it, we're friendly and might be able to answer some of your questions.
Take care,

If you and your husband have surgery together, then who will help you if you feel bad or are in pain if your hubbie is also in pain? How will you sleep if you can't get into bed and your hubbie can't help because he can't get in bed either? Will you both have to fight over the recliner or do you have two of them? Who will bend down to pick up the spoon you dropped if neither of you can bend? Who will take you to the doctor if neither of you can drive? I don't quite understand not wanting to take off at separate times. If it were me (and I know it's not) I'd want someone to be there for me and then I'd be there for someone else. What do you think?

There is a couple in the Tallahasee WLS Support Group that had their surgeries about 1 month apart and that worked great for them. I have to agree with Jan about the points she raised. I really needed my hubby to do the driving, bending, lifting, etc. for me and my surgery was Lap, not open.
Also, just because you are doing the 6 mo. required stuff together, does NOT mean you'll both be approved or if you are, that you'll be approved at the same time. Just food for thought.
AS for tests, my surgeon didn't require any additional pre-testing other than the routine hospital pre-admission tests and a written test about my knowledge of WLS and its possible complications. He did request my most recent reports from my Pulmonologist & PCP. However, my insurance carrier required the Psych eval.
Good luck with whatever ya'll decide!
Vickie J.

I needed a lot of help at home after my surgery. Getting in and out of bed, adjusting the recliner, meals, etc. There were days when my pain was managed and I felt great, but othr days when I didn't feel so hot and was grateful to have someone around to help me. Have you thought about staggering your surgery schedule somewhat?
My doctor required a cardiac stress test (I had a heart condition that required surgery in 2000), pulmonary testing, psych evaluation, blood work, etc. Having the cardiac and pulmonary testing and clearances gave me a greater sense of security before surgery.
Lap RNY 10-25-05
Hey, Darla...I had my surgery about 6 months ago with Dr. O, congratulations on deciding to have surgery. That's cool if you and your husband can do the surgery together but remember the "only" tough time will be during recovery for both of you. That time will be difficult since you'll both be healing - but that's not for now yet- just wanted to put it in your head though. When I went to see Dr. O the only thing I had to do was 2 letters one from me and one from a loved one, and the 2nd thing was the stress test. I didn't have the psych test nor thyroid - although I've had that done at my PCP's some time ago..so I imagine that they look at your medical records and knew I had it done. The nutrition is mandatory not only for us - but it's a requirement for the doc to request that from the state - I believe is what I was told. I am a long time diabetic and I have been with my PCP for over 7 years and all of that is documented. Have you guys had heart problems? I don't have any - and was gonna go to a cardiologist but they were gonna charge me $2,000 but I found the Kissimme Outpatient near the Osceola Hospital and I took the doctor's prescrip and they had it done for "free" I didn't pay anything. I guess it went throught the insurance. After that 14 days later I received my approval letter. I know we all expect docs to do the same thing for everyone - but we're all different, with different needs and insurance requirements - they could be also why these are requested. Anyway, congratulations on your decions...keep us posted on your progress.