Just in need of support
hello jamie,
Just keep trying and hopefully you will get approved. I had a exclusion in my policy and I tried anyway and appealed their decision 3 times,but I didnt get approved.I am stillgoing to have the surgery I AM PAYING FOR IT. hopefully you will get approved. I have done appeals since aug 2004.
Hi Jamie, I have been through about 1.5 years of back and forth...changing insurances, one person saying it was a go, for another to turn around and say it's not covered...I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!! I just LAST WEEK, was told (and received written confirmation) from the insurance company that they will cover the suregery out of network, costing me $1,200 out of pocket, but that is the BEST news I have heard in a long time. I am hoping for surgery in mid-May. Good luck!!!!
Hello Jamie, I know I'm posting a bit late, but I know how you feel. Its terribly frusterating isn't it?! Its been 4 years for me now and I've been denied 6 times with different insurances and approved once less than a month before my insurance was due to be changed. Talk about infuriating!?!?! I haven't given up hope but I can't do anything now until we change insurance policies in september, then the battle begins again. Good luck and let me know if there is anyway I can help.