Just in need of support
Hello All,
I really feel alone right now. I have been denied 2 times and I am about to try for the 3rd time. I really dont have anyone to talk to that is on the same page as I am. The only true support I have is my husband. Even though he has never been obese, he trys. To me it is just not the same. I am not ready to give up, but I need help. Please.

Hi there Jamie...I have just had the surgery and didn't have problems with denials but did have to jump through a many hoop to get here...I am 6 days out. I wanted to tell you never give up....I must be right down the road from you...I live in PSJ too. I would be happy to help you in any way I possibly can...Just let me know.
Don't give up! A friend of mine has been through 2 years of denials. She even appealed to the employer that carried the insurance and was told "No" again on her final appeal. Then lo & behold, she gets a call this week saying she has been approved!! Go figure!!! So don't give up - you never know what will happen if you're persistant enough.
Vickie J.

hi .... i just wanted to say dont give up .... it took me 5 years and 3 states to find someone who would due my surgery . when i did all the appointments and classes i was waiting again for a denial figuring i would just start all over again . carey from the dr office told me "dont worry girl everything happens when it is supouse to and it is supose to now " .... well he must have been right .. it took less than a mounth for all the tests and approval i did the first class on 10/28/04 and had a surgery date and approval by 11/23/04 .
if this is really what you want never give up . i had surgery on 1/19/05 and by 3/19/05 i have already lost 100 lbs .
good luck
Jamie I am in Alabama but I am real close to the Florida line
I also have relatives there and lived in Tallahassee briefly. Don't give up. I was denied. I made them provide me in writing exactly why I was denied and then provided them the documentation they needed to show otherwise. I made sure to have it in writing so that if they denied me again, I would have a possible legal case. I don't know if you have considered an attorney but there are some that specialize in it. Had I been denied again, I had planned to go that route. As it was, it cost me almost 2k out of pocket with my insurance. I ended up fighting them for over a year. I had my surgery almost 14 months to the day from my initial consultation. I can't even put into words how much better I feel at only 9 weeks post op. Pick & choose your battles...this one is worth fighting for.