Town N Country-Tampa Support Group
We have a support group At the Town & Country Hospital that meets the first Thursday of the month at 7pm. But here is our problem. We were originally the Wish Center support group and they have closed the doors in Tampoa, so at present we are "self" directed but do have permission to meet for one year at the hospital.
I am stil loking for an open support group that will have a doc and dietician etc on staff, but no luck in the area so far.
Come and see us on April 7!
Hi, I am a member of St Joseph's Hospital Support Group. We meet the first Thursday of each month at the hospital at 5:30. We have such a wonderful group and I learn alot there. Here is some information and you can call and they can tell you exactly what room we will meet in.
St. Josephs Weight Management Program
3005 W. D.r MLK Jr. Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33607-6307
Phone: (813) 870-4624
Please feel free to attend: