3/26 Central FL M&G
Another reminder that several of us will be getting together this Saturday at noon at the Altamonte Mall Foodcourt. I will have a cluster of balloons on our table to identify the group. The gathering usually lasts until at least 3pm depending on everyone's schedule. This is open to pre or post op friends and family, it is a great way to see some of us live and in person
! Bring your "before" pics, any extra protein samples or anything else you care to share with someone. Hope to see some new faces this time!
If you need specific directions, go to altamontemall.com for their info.
Take care,

I wish I could come and meet you this Saturday but I can't.
I'm confused by your signature. It says -163lbs but then it says, 432/269/188 which makes me think that you weighed 432 but now weigh 188 but thats -244.
However much you've lost you look fabulous in you picture...congratulations!
Sorry for the confusion. And sorry we wont see you on Saturday too.
The numbers mean pre-op (432)/current (269)/goal (188) sometimes you'll see four numbers listed which means
highest weight/pre-op/current/goal.
188 might seem high but I am 5'10 so that is my goal set by my surgeon, maybe I'll shoot for a lower weight once I get there.
Hope that helps.