Dobutamine Stress Echo
I am having the above test Wednesday, & Thursday. I am so nervous that they are going to find something wrong and cause me to not be able to have surgery.
I have already had a regular echo and it didn't show any serious problems.
It's coming down to it with all the testing required by Dr. Kim's office. I've done most of them, just a few more to get through.
Please think of me tomorrow & thanks so much!
It's better to know now if something isn't right that would put you at risk if you had the surgery. Dr. Kim is an amazing surgeon and takes EVERY me I know. He postponed my surgery for a month so I could get used to being on a cpap machine. At the time I was devasted that my surgery was postponed but in the end it all worked out just the way it was suppose to.
I do wish you well over the next two days of tests. Here's to your good health!