Lots of questions with little answers.
Hi all!!!
I'm new here... I have lots of questions with just about no answers. I am thinking hard about geting the weight loss surgery. I am 36 380, I have sugar problems and high BP.. I have been to a post op meeting at TGH with Dr. Murr. So far I am trying to make up my mind if this is what I should do?
I am scared about the life changing effects this could have good and bad. I don't know what to ask or who I can ask questions to. From what I have talked to my companies insurance, it should me a slam dunk to get the green light. But right now I have more questions than anwsers.
If this is not the right place please let me know.
Philip in Tampa
Welcome Philip! You've come to the perfect place for support and answers. Read through our profiles and ask away!!! As for my personal experience, this surgery is by no means the easy way out. It means a total change of lifestyle, but that is what I was looking for. It is the best decision I have ever made, but you need to determine what is right for you. My health and quality of life are better than ever! I wish you all the best, whatever you and your doctor decide.
Erika L

Welcome to our corner of the site! Most of us weighed all our options for a very long time before we had our WLS. Many of us continued to yo-yo diet, fluctuated emotionally and physically deteriorated before we finally decided to go for it! This surgery has it's risks, challenges, frustrations and emotional rollercoasters. It is definitely a lifestyle change and the further out you get, the more you can eat and old behaviors can return so you must be committed to change or you will continue the cycle. This isnt a magic bullet! As Erika stated, read some profiles, ask us specific questions and try to find peace in your heart about your decision to have or not have WLS.
Good luck!
I live in Lutz and would be happy to either talk to you on the phone or meet with you and answer all of your questions (or at least try).
Sometimes talking with a "veteran" helps and there are questions you may ask a veteran but would be to embarrassed to ask a Doctor.
Email me at [email protected] if you would like to talk. Make sure you put RNY or WLS in the subject line so I know its you.
Philip... Welcome to OH.Com! You are definitely in the RIGHT place. I began my quest 9/22/05, and am now post-op 3 mos. I have lost todate 55 lbs, and it continues. I suggest that you make sure that you are doing this for the right reasons (health), because on the post-op side, you will see things differently, and people will see you differently. Be secure within yourself first, as this will help you be ok with your post-op experiences. Go to the Library on this site; there you will find most of your questions by topic, and a variety of possible answers/solutions. I don't post here often, but I do get a great benefit from others here - the support is WONDERFUL. I have no regrets of having the surgery done, have had ZERO complications, and the long-term benefits by far out-weigh the cons and "what-ifs". Good luck on your WL journey, it will prove to be one you will never forget! God Bless You!!!
AC - RNY Distal, 12/14/04, 330/275.
Welcome! You'll find this a very helpful & knowledgeable group. If you're just beginning your research into WLS there is alot of great info on the ObesityHelp home website. Click on "Your Journey" at the very top of this page and read, read, read. There are also a number of excellent books on the market that describe types of surgery and the pros & cons of each, as well as the lifestyle changes you'll have to make if you have WLS. If you'd like specific titles, let me know & I'll post the ones I found helpful for you.
My surgery (RNY) was done 8 weeks ago today and I've lost 40 lbs. I was on 9 meds / day, now I'm down to 1 and my doctor was willing to take me off of it as well, but I chose to continue it for a bit longer. My feet, ankles & legs don't hurt as they once did and I had the best bloodwork lab results I've had in 20+ years! My PCP is so happy for me!!
I've been lucky and can eat anything I've tried, including beef, chicken & pasta. But not everyone is able to do that. I do have to drastically limit my portions and I stay away from breads (except well toasted cheese toast) and sweets or anything with more than 5 g. sugar.
No matter what you decide to do the important thing is for you to do your research and make a decision based on what is best for YOU. Good Luck!
Vickie J.

Hey Philip,
I, too, am in Tampa and did tons of research before making my decision--and had A LOT of support on this board. It is a hard decision to make, but you will know if it is right for you or not when the time comes to hop up on that table!
You are definitely in the right spot for asking questions and just plain 'ol getting opinions and relaxing with the boardmember's funnies. If you wanna chat sometime, let me know. I went to Dr. Fernandez at Town 'n' Country (AWESOME!!), but I did hear Dr. Murr is VERY good, they just don't take self pay. A co-worker of mine went to Dr. Murr. Just email me if you wanna chat!

Welcome, Philip! I started researching WLS in 2000. At the time, I learned that I would probably never have chocolate again. That - at the time - was a deal-breaker for me. I didn't pick up WLS as an option again until 2004 (and many pounds later).
People who say or think that WLS surgery is the easy way out are simply misinformed. I read everything that I could get my hands on. A great read found at amazon.com is "The Patient's Guide to Weight Loss Surgery: Everything You Need to Know About gastric Bypass & Bariatric Surgery" by April Hochstrasser, PhD. I reread it to this day - a good, balanced read that really prepared me for this journey.
You'll find that this corner of OH is chock-full of helpful folks, both pre- and post-op. I congratulate you for your courage to look into WLS.
Lap RNY 10-25-04
-81 lbs.
WELCOME! The first obstacle that you have to go over - is deciding FOR sure that. WLS should NOT be taken lightly. This is serious business because you risk having serious complications and death HOWEVER after having research for the surgery and surgeons, and still deciding to go ahead and having it - you are also opting to chose an avenue to IMPROVE your life. I had diabetes and high cholestrol, etc - and now I'm diabetic free - sometimes I have low sugars now instead so it does have it's benefits. Talk your your doctor(surgeon) - they should explain the surgery and what happens. Good luck in your search/research - and ask questions anytime!
Good luck on your research!
The day before surgery I was on 16 prescriptions, the day after when I was sent home I was on 6 and 6 weeks later I'm now on 3. Before I was on 3 blood pressure meds, insulin, and 2 other meds for diabetes. My blood pressure is now 100/60 and my blood sugars run about 85 in the mornings.
I've had great success. I haven't had to take any diabetes meds since the day before surgery. At the 6 week mark, I have dropped 32 lbs.
Best wishes to you..