Was once lost but now found....
I do not recognise alot of you on the board but for those of you *****meber me ..I am back.Thanks for all the emails and letters, I got them all even if I did not respond.I had to mentally get away from my crusad for surgery for a little while.It all became so overwhelming and I had home problems that were getting all to be too much.Anyways i will elaborate more on that later.I am back on my crusad and all I have to do is see a dietician and have a scope for the bacteria in stomach then we will submitt for approval.I have now been at work long enough for a leave and lets see how everything else goes.I see alot of you have have had your surgery and getting along- I think that si great and I am happy for you all PLease take care and know when I am able ( usually at work ) I will be on here with you guys-- Mac *#*

I had not met you before - but am glad to do it now. Itwas good for you to get away and regroup and are back now. We are here to help in any way (except pay for the surgery
) Will be crossing my fingers and saying a prayer so that you are able to get approval and start your new life. Keep us posted in your progress.