Grouchy Pouch!
Hello to One and All,
I am having a huge problem eating. My pouch is rejecting most protein. Shakes, brings on nausea, so does fish, chicken and some times beef. I am down to mostly protein bars and oatmeal (no protein). Most protein seems to cause a lump in the pouch, then I barf for hours. I can eat most fruits, no problem. Of course they have no protein.
The Power crunch bars are great! I tried a protein pudding which has stayed down. Even eggs give me a problem at times. Cheese will also stay down.
I am beginning to think it is stress related. Anyone else have this problem? If so, what do you eat?
Ummm..I would think that at this stage of the game for you - you should be doing better....I'd call the doc and have them check tomake sure you're not developing a stricture - although you say you are able to eat some other foods...but you need toget your protein in. I've been having alot of stress myself - but have had no problem eating protein - in fact that's all i eat - chicken, tuna and fish. I hope you find the answer and keep us posted.
I had a similar problem awhile back and my nutritionist recommended taking Acidophilus. The specific kind I got was PB8. I took two every morning before any food with a glass of water. It helped be get back on track in no time. Your digestive system might be in an uproar (for no good reason usually). That's the best advice I can really give.
If you have a nutritionist, I would ask him/her for some advice though. I am no professional!