Sad day in Florida
Yes it truly is a sad day when a lady who doesn't need machines to keep her alive is going to be allowed to starve to death. Her parents are willing to take over and assume all responsibilities for her, but her so-called husband won't allow it. You got to wonder why he wants to keep Terri quiet. Why hasn't he allowed her to have therapy or the like. But hey maybe she is interfering with his new common law wife and their two kids. If you treated a dog like this in Florida, you would be in jail. From Rilya Wilson, the little girl that HRS was in charge of that was killed two years before the "authorities" noticed she was missing to Terri, we here in Florida have some things to hang our head about. Did I rant? I am sorry but it just touches a nerve when you see things like this happen. Thanks for reading my rant.
I agree Steve, what is he so affraid of?? I believe that he needs Terri dead so he can feel less guilty for moving on with his life, he can say "I'm a widow" instead of "I divorced my disabled wife". That is psychopathic behaviour! OR... He could be hiding something bigger than that! OR... it could be about $!! We will never know, this poor woman will die from starvation and her family will be able to do nothing about it. Is the husband gonna watch her die? Is he doing this and walking away, washing his hands from the entire thing, or is he gonna sit there an dsuffer w/ her? What a flipping #$%*@! I feel for her parents. They have proved that she could be reabilitated (sp?) had been given the chance.
How can someone allow a human being to starve to death? That's terrible!
Sorry for the long posts... The subject really touches a nerve!