Hey guys! Thanks so much for all your well wishes! Thank you Tina and Sallykate for keeping everyone updated! I feel GREAT! Thank you Tina and Paulette for coming to see me and I LOVE my roses! The first night was really scarey because I kept stopping breathing, but it was that nasty morphene that did it to me. They got it fixed the next day. I spent the entire time in ICU and actually didnt' mind because my bed turned into a chair :D Anywho...My doc let me go home a day early, he said I was doing so great he couldnt see any reason to keep me. I'm on my clear liquids now and should get to go full liquids on monday. I got half my staples out and thankfully no G tube! I'll write more later, I'm wore out!
Love ya all!!
Kim Official LOSER