Help with Voc Rehab Svs!
Hello, Has anyone on here went through voc rehab? If so, How did you get them to help with the surgery? Also, how do you apply for their services? I am 400lbs and i haven't work over 3 1/2 years do to my weight. My husband insurance has an exclusion and i can't afford to self-pay. Any help will be appreciated.
I was approved but have not had surgery yet. Hopefully soon! Call your local office and they will ask you some questions like what is your disablilty. It is like a screening to see if you quilify for voc rehab. Don't give up it takes a while I have been working with voc rehab since June of 2004 it will be a year soon but it will be worth every minute of it when I have my surgery. If you want to email me I wil be more then willing to answer any question you have. Take Care
Linda R
I do not have any experience with Voc rehab but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents worth. Remember they are in the business of helping people overcome obstacles or barriers to employment. They are not primarily a health care provider. So when you approach them -- your focus must be on how much you want to go back to work. Your weight just so happens to be one of your barriers and WLS is the way to overcome that barrier.