Roll Call
Lots of old timers and regulars seem to have fallen off the board lately.
Time for a Check IN and or Update...
Where are ??????
Gail E
Carol M
Please let us know you are OK and what you have been up to. I'm sure there are others I'm missing, but forgive me I'm in a NyQuil stupor.
Talk to you all soon...

I was actually on a date when you called, we went to PF Chang's for an early dinner tonight. I'm home early cause I didnt feel good, I've had a bad cold the past couple days. No real love connection, but good conversation, I might see him again, we'll see. Did I mention I have another date with a different guy tomorrow? Feast or famine with me these days, but it's so much better than my old life of laying in front of the tube. I'll call you this weekend.

I haven't dated in years, so I am making up for lost time. Now... should I admit to you all that I went out for drinks with another guy at midnight tonight and just got home???? He actually has been emailing me for a while, he saw my profile on AOL a while ago and loved my eyes, so we starting chatting thru email. He is in town from Phoenix and begged me to meet him for coffee tonight after his business dinner meeting. We'll have a real date tomorrow night. I can't tell you why but I am in "feast" mode these days with men, but they have to be pretty special to warrant a second date. Going to dinner and having interesting conversations has been a nice change from my days of camping out online or in front of the TV. Trust me, I'm sure I will be in famine mode again soon enough LOL!
Hey Amy,
I've been thinking about Carol lately myself and wondered if she's okay and how Erica's doing. Hey, are you going to the Lake Mary meeting this Tuesday? At the last meeting it was said that Overcash was going to be there. What do ya say? Hope to see you. If not, I'll see you at the Meet and greet or Panera Bread.
Talk to you later,
Amy Nolen