Dothan, AL area Dinner.....RSVP ASAP
Attention all you North Florida peeps!!
WOO HOO!! Just 15 more days and we are gonna have a blast! It's the Dothan area Dinner at Shoney's on March 26th at 5:30 P. M. This is on a Saturday night! I can't wait! We are gonna get to meet some new faces, see some close friends and even play some games. Oh yeah, and eat! Funny how eating isn't the big thing any more isn't it?
I need a list of who all is coming and who you are bringing with you! Spouses and Children are invited and encouraged to attend. This is going to be a family outting! I have the place locked down and they are so kind to say they welcome us with "Open Arms." That was their exact words. Every place else that I called wasn't as WLS friendly as Shoney's.
I know that Gisela is going to do the Name Cards. Any one wanna come up with a game? I have one that we played at the Montgomery Dinner. It is a real good Ice Breaker type. We want a fun one too! Volunteers? It has to be tasteful and one that all can play.
Please!!! RSVP ASAP! Have a great day! Randall
So far I have attending:
Randall plus 4
Becky plus 1
Gisella and DH
Sonya and Son
Michelle plus 2
Pat V. plus 1
Pamella D.
Dixie Chicks (maybe)
Shondra Pope and DH (maybe)
Mike, Becky, and Sarah
Ya'll let me know!!