Hey gang,
Just a reminder that the monthly support meeting at Celebration Health is tonight (Wed). The pre-op/info meeting starts at 7:00 and us "old timers" meet at 7:30. EVERYONE is enthusiastically invited!!!!
Take I-4 to the US192 exit (this is the main Kissimmee/Disney exit).
Take the US192 exit EAST towards Kissimmee
Make a right at the very first light.
Turn right at the end of the road
About 1/4 mile down you will see the hospital on the left.
When you enter the hospital, make an immediate right and follow the corridor down to the conference rooms (you will see us gathered around down there...you can't miss our motley crue!!!)
Hope you all can make it!!!
I was heading to the support group when when I left work last night. As I approached my car and realized I couldnt find my keys, I noticed them still hanging in the ignition in my locked car, so 1 hr 10 min and AAA visit later, there was NO way I could have made it from Lake Mary to Celebration in time. Maybe next month...
Aww...we missed you too!!! And where was Flavia at? She wasn't there either!!!
The group was a bit smaller last night, I guess because of the weather. But it was still good. A really nice size group of us went out afterwards and had a great time.
When is the next Meet&Greet? I want to try to make it sometime, if I can ever get my weekends and nights freed up!!!