Question of the Moment LOL

Yup, I hate dating too! If the guy isn't treating you the way you should be treated, then he must not be that into you! Definitely cut your losses because it's really HIS loss, and move on! Good for you, Amy!
If Reese's is your red light food, don't have them around if you can help it.
So far I haven't had the urge to eat until the cows come home like I used to, but I've been hungry and not eaten properly (like skipping lunch) and made myself a meal that's too big, but I get full right away, so the surgery is still working for me. I don't think that exactly answered your question, but it's time to go to work!!
Happy Monday???

This is going to sound funny, but its so refreshing to hear that I am not the only one struggling from time to time. You don't normally hear that on the board. I struggle with eating in bed at night. My vice--chocolate. The same one that got me fat to begin with. (one of them anyway) I eat sugar free candy, but still full of fat. I decided I'm going to have my husband hide it from me. I just don't have the willpower to say no to myself.
Boy, I don't envy you on the dating scene. That must be so hard.
Thanks for sharing, Amy. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Have a good day.
I bet more of us struggle than will ever admit on here (fear of getting flamed), but I haven't had emotional triggers until recently. I had been able to get thru PMS too without my old ways of junk food and snacks. Don't get me wrong, I know what my trigger foods are so I DON'T buy them. I was just trying to see what and how others dealt with those times/situations when they are tempted to go back to their old behaviors. Like I said, my bike riding seems to be my alternative and luckily I live in a neighborhood that I can ride at any time of the day or night.
As far as your situation, dont even buy the SF shouldnt have those foods in the house if you are tempted. If your husband knows they are your nemesis but he needs to have those foods himself, then he could indulge in those foods away from you, away from the house. Just a suggestion.
Good luck

Yup - I just had that trigger last night (lack of dating, meeting new people) so I started to reach for the chocolate (dark semi-sweet) - and I felt I didn't care about it. Took a couple of tiny pieces - and then I knew if I kept the rest I'd go back - so I made the decision to TOSS IT all. Outa sight - outa mind, right? Not that I was happy about doing that(eating the chocolate) - but then today is a new day - and I feel refreshed - and know I'm gonna be okay. Fresh new start.
Yes, the dating scene is not fun. But as Amy said, there is more than one fish out there. At least they are biting this way like they never have before. As somone told me on another post, You Gotta kiss the frogs to find the Prince. and I asked: How many frogs must you kiss before you find him.
When I get that feeling for an eating binge, I try to do fatfree pretzels. I have found that I do not eat a lot of them. They satisfay what ever the need seems to be. (But remember, I am under goal, I need to make sure I am not gaining, just maintaining.)