need help
hi everyone. iam actually learning about surgery. i really want to do somthing about my weight. i have been reading alot past 6 months. but really scared. Not from the surgery i have had 2 c-sections and my gallbladder removed. but wondering how life will change after will i ever feel my self again , and how u deal with not eating regular, eating out etc......... please help so confused.

I think after surgery, many of us go through a mourning process for food. We battle with head hunger and temptation just like before surgery. WLS isnt a magic bullet, you have to work hard with your surgery. At 9 months out, I can eat most anything without getting sick and can also eat more than I could earlier out, so I have to watch my intake and what I am eating every day.
I think the rush I have from the weightloss, my increased self-esteem and my energy level keeps me in check most days and that helps me stay on track, but there are days every now and then that I am not an angel and pay for it.
None of us can tell you whether to have the surgery or not, it is such a personal decision, but I bet a majority of us will tell you it is worth the struggles and hassle of approval to feel healthier and have a better quality of life.
Just an FYI, I thought about WLS and researched it for nearly three years before I made the appointment to see a surgeon.
Good luck

I'm almost 6 weeks out from surgery and so far everything has gone great. I do battle "head" hunger - darn those TV commercials, but at this point I am never actually hungry so I'm not fighting my appetite. I thought about this surgery for 2 1/2 years before I began the process of getting insurance approval. As for not being able to eat regualar foods, or eating out NO PROBLEM! My surgeon lets you begin regular foods about 2 weeks out and I've not had a problem with any food I've tried. I can eat salads, steak, chicken, Chinese foods, pasta, veggies - all the foods I ate before just in VERY small portions (1-1.5 oz) However, I don't eat bread (except cheese toast) or sweets (anything with more than 5g sugar). I don't enjoy cooking so we eat out 3-4 nights a week and that hasn't been a problem for me. I will either share the meat & veggies off my husband's plate, or order my own meal and take home leftovers for my lunches.
No one can tell you if the surgery is right for you or not. Every time my PCP suggested wls to me I told him emphatically I was NOT interested but later I had to eat my words. But I will tell you that I don't regret my decision. Also, since my RNY was done lap, it is much easier to get over than either of my 2 c-sections! You have to weigh the pros & cons of your situation and make your own decision.
Good luck on your journey! Do your research and whatever you decide will be what is best for you.
Vickie J.

I just had my surgery 2/11. I am doing pretty good considering. Let me say having this surgery was not an easy decision for me, but even only 3 weeks post op I know in my heart this is going to be the best thing for me. Just in three weeks I can tell a difference in my life! I want to be more active (unlike before where I wanted to just sit on the couch and watch TV), I want this to work, I want to be able to run 3miles with my husband where before I always might of wanted to, but knew I wasn't going to. And now I know I am going to!! I have already gone down from a 26 to a size 24 and that is soooo wonderful!!! I am strutting around like America's Next Top Model! LOL Despite all these good feelings now, I also have had some low feelings too. Days 2-7 post op was horrible!!! I cried because I couldn't eat! I mourned the loss of food!! Guess I was addicted huh??
I still get slight anger sometimes when I can only eat three shrimp and my husband can eat like 20. But as the days go on and the weight goes down, these feeling pass. Going out to eat is really really funny! I have gone out to eat twice now and I am ok with it. I can't even eat 1/4 of the plate before I am stuffed. I just try and order healthy, chicken and veggies. And fruit for dessert. It just amazes me that before I would of finished the plate of food plus a salad or appitizer!! All I can say is at least I am able to eat out. A little is better than not at all. I can't say this is easy, but then nothing worth having ever is! This surgery is a very personal decision and not to be taken lightly, but if you choose to embark on this, this site will give you unconditional support!! If you have a hard time with the surgery chances are, someone on here is having the same problem and you will have each other to lean on! I truly hope this helps and feel free to email me with any questions!

hi ... i had surgery on jan 19, 2005. i looked in to it for over 4 years . i could not find a doctor that would work with my insurance that i had then .even thought about self pay . i was affraid of not being able to enjoy food again after surgery. but that has not been the case . i have not really been hungry since surgery. the enjoyment of food has slowly came back . the fact that i no longer need all the meds i was on and feel better everyday makes this worth it for me . i hope that you are able to come to a choice that works for you . good luck . if you want to talk feel free to contact me . you may also want to consider attending a group meeting Dr Cox has a meeting every 3 rd thurs at 7 at north ridge medical center in ft lauderdale .
Don't forget to address your concerns with your surgeon. They will never say that this is an easy thing cause complications can arise - we were all aware that if we went ahead and did this - it could happen including death. With that aside having the surgery does change your life - and everyone's situation is different. There is pain and discomfort (temporary) and other things that can happen - but if you've been reading the posts you will notice that despite the "negative" aspects of this - not one (or many) regret doing the surgery - because with discipline and work you can definately improve your life and the rewards will be many. However, you have to be mentally ready to meet those challenges including and up to losing friends (I loss one - due to jealousy) case may be extreme but this does change you and your loved one - cause they will be in on it with you - supporting (and maybe some not supporting you). I hope I don't sound too negative - because there are alot of positives about this. For me it is an opportunity to change my eating habits completely - for example - and thus far - I don't want to eat red meats, pastas, breads etc carbs for the most part and that is difficult when I find myself in locations that have nothing but heavy, greasy foods. But as Amy said - some days you can slip or do make the wrong choice - but if you recognize you make the wrong choice - tomorrow is another day to fix it and start anew. You try to do the best you can in the situation that you find yourself. Good luck on your decision. Keep us posted! Whatever you decide to do - we support you either way.
hi.. i had my surgery jan 17th 05... everything went well in hospital... i felt as if i was gonna throw up 24/7 when i got home... but i made it threw that... now... if someone asked me weather or not i would do it again... i would say no.. and if someone asked me if i thought they should have surgery i would also say no because this is a very personal decision and it takes alot of effort on your part to see that everything that needs to happen happens.. are you ready to deal with the diet changes? your food addiction? the fact that you may die? if so... and you think your ready then by all means go for it... this sight has answered alot of questions for me and is very supportive... good luck with makin your decision and let us know

Dear Kiran,
. Always remember that everyone is different. I researched and mentally prepared myself before I did anything. I also went to 2 different MD's lectures which helped me see both sides of the surgery. Some MD's really gloss over the complications that can arise. Some people have horrible complications. I researched Dr Jawad and I also followed a friend who had the surgery 9 months before I did. I went to Dr Black's lecture in Daytona, which was very doom and gloom. I did not care for 4 months of preparation before the actual surgery. It was also important to me to find a doctor who had done many, many surgeries. There are a lot of MD's out there that go to a week's training in Gainsville and then start operating on people. I definately don't want to be someone's Ginny Pig. I was very lucky not to have complications(knock wood).
I am trying to be an example for my sister and I am hoping and praying that she has this surgery when she is ready.
Talk to people, many manypeople have had this surgery. Read the boards, both Fla and the main message board. There are a lot of great people out there hiding underneath layers of fat. And it's great to hear people's stories, successes and failures. We still cheer them all on, even just to make it through another day.
God Bless,