3 months out
Hello All,
I just had to shout this from every roof top!!!
I am exactly 3 months out and I just hit 189 this am, that's 56 pounds gone forever!!! I feel great. Eating i**** or miss, I'll try anything. I can eat pizza, Chili, rice and beans, Shephard's pie, and all sorts of veggies. My protein comes from 2 "ZOICS" cans and I need to drink, drink, drink my water. Stuff I can't tolerate: pork chops, chicken cutlets, shrimp.
I love Wendy's fruit cups, potatoes and chili. I am a very cheap date!!
I know that I have to exercise more but I can't be perfect!
I would really like to thank Dr Jawad and his staff
. I would also like to thank the people that recommended him and helped me do my research.
My advise to everyone is to research the surgeon that you choose. Find out their mortality and the complications that they have had, and what treatments they required.
God Bless

Congratualtionson your weight loss and "anniversary"! It sounds like you're doing great!! But I have to ask - what is "ZOICS" cans of protein???
I'm just under 6 weeks out and can eat everything I've tried so far. Of course, I have not eaten bread (except toasted), rice or anything sweet but I am not able to get in more than 25-35 grams of protein. My surgeon doesn't require a specific amount of protein, but I feel that I should be getting in more. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Keep up the good work!
Vickie J.