Hi everyone,
I was wondering how long it was before you were able to take a pharmacutical capsules? I have been opening all my capsules(my vitamins) and have been pouring the free flowing powder to everything but then I am not sure I am gettng everything since I don't seem to finish anything.
I wasn't told not to take the capsules and my doc knew what vit/minerals & calcium I was taking as well of my biotin. This past week I didn't get them all in everyday like I am suppose to do since I has nausea and could hardly pick up my head.
BTW, I got Flintsones chewable and Centrum chewable a few days ago and they contain so much I am allergic to...they call them vitamins, it almost me to ER, I was covered in hives and couldn't breathe.
I realized I had the EpiPen and gave myself a shot.
I thought every other day I would pop one 2 of those and I would right on target...didn't work out. They both contain Aspartame. Box didn't list apartame but as soon as I checked the inside label...there it was. Both were listed that way and after they were opened I couldn't return them.
So what do you think, ok or too early? 3-1/2 weeks out.
I go to Tampa for first post op on Wed. I can't wait that long to ask, I'm fading this past amenia might be acting up. I have been taking 2 to 3 naps daily. I would appreciate hearing if any one had a good or bad experience with a pharmacutical capsule. They are designed and patented to disolve immediately.
If you're not supposed to be taking capsules yet, then don't. If you want to be sure you're getting what you need, how about emptying the contents of the capsules into a very small med cup and adding just enough water to dissolve the contents? Then you're sure you've gotten what you need. I know if I take a pill (remember I'm 6 months out) I don't really get the proper nutrients and I can feel it too. No wonder you're "fading" if you're not getting enough vitamins, etc. Maybe you can put the contents of the capsules in a teaspoon of applesauce or pudding or something.
Good luck!!!!

Thanks for the adivse of using the teaspoon. I will definately try that today. I did try the dissolving before I went in for WLS and it was immediate for content, I put the cap in another glass of water and it was not so fast, maybe an hour or so.
My problem seemed to be putting contents into a protein drink or oatmeal and not finishing. I did get then all in yesterday, I poured 2 oz into a cup at a time and I was sure I got it all... I obviously needed those vitamins for my body to rest properly, I slept from 3AM to 3:30PM. Just got up, I was so shocked when I looked at the clock. It's time consuming to open 6 capsules every day but it sure feels good the days I don't miss. I can honestly say the days I missed which were 3 since surgery I dragged my butt and napped nearly 3 times those days. It sure makes a difference when you do what your doctor reccomends. I will ask about the capsules on Wed. Thanks again.

Dear Ginny,
I had my surgery Dec 7th by Dr Jawad in Ocala. I was on clear liquids the first few days and then I was supposed to be on full liquids for the next 28 days. In the beginning I was using my G tube for all my meds. I did try to crush meds and take them with applesauce, but the taste made me very nauseated. When I went to Ocala for my next aptmt I spoke with the RNNP and she suggested taking one capsule or pill at a time and see how each of them sit in your pouch. I first tried my Vista Vitamins and they went through without a problem, and gradually I added more of my pills. By week 4 I was able to swallow all of my pills and vitamins and move on to soft food. All of this happened before my Gtube was dc'd. The bottom line is to do your research on what happens AFTER you have the surgery. I think that so many people are so happy that they have found a doctor and have ins approval that they stop asking questions. Being able to keep your foods and liquids down is essential, ask your surgeon what happens if you can't tolerate your food and medicines. And then listen closely to his answer.
Good Luck and God Bless,
Thanks for your reply. I tried applesauce yesterday and then yogurt and vomited. This was the first vomiting experience for me and continued all night with so much mucous. Not sure what the mucous is about but concerned me when I started to have trouble breathing.
Wed. is my 4 wk. appt. and I'll ask at that time...I double checked my capsules in a glass of water last night and it was just under one hour before the capsule melted but that was cold water...I'm sure it would be faster inside our bodies.
Today I have the jitters and have been trying to get a protein drink down since its loaded with vitamins and iron. The first 3 weeks I had no problems keeping anything down and was able to get in 3-4 drinks along with some soups also added my opened vit caps, calcium and I'm taking 8 mg Zofran and I still have nausea...Everyday is an experience but it has not made me for a minute regret the surgery even though I have only lost 15 lbs in almost 4 weeks and my hair has been falling out already and its not near time that should be happeneing.