What are your plans this weekend?
The rains have passed and the weather is supposed to be fantastic this weekend. How are you planning on spending the weekend?
If all goes well and my "friend" can get tomorrow off, we're going to St. Augustine for the day. I absolutely love it there! Fingers crossed...
Make it a great one
Take care, Friends!

Good morning!
I will be headed over to my parents home to help them pack up. They have sold their Florida home and so they have come down to take out their personal stuff. Then it is back to Ky to their log cabin. It will be a nice visit, even with some work involved. They haven't seen me since Thanksgiving and I have lost 35# since then. Then it is off to south florida to see about Gina.
Amy, is this a NEW "FRIEND"??????
Or is this the Valentine friend???? Enquiring minds WANT to know.
Have a great weekend.

Yes, it is the Valentine "friend", things are moving slowly but that's OK with me for now. We had a great chat a few days after V-Day and all is good for now. One day at a time, right? I'm not in a hurry, considering I have changed so much in the past 9 months, I need to enjoy my new-found sense of confidence, sexiness and just feeling good about me

Smart Lady, Amy. I think we have to get acquainted with ourselves before we can venture too fast. I know, I am married and all but there is still changes that I am going through. My hubby is a real sweetheart about it all but somedays I just don't see anything really changing and he helps me. I can't imagine what it is to be single with all this new "you" happening. You are smart to relax and enjoy it. Adding a gentleman to the equation is just extra icing on the cake. (sorry, I still use food analogies).
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
My plans for this weekend....
Nothing, absolutely NOTHING. I guess I'm in the "hibernation" phase (5 weeks out) but all I want to do is stay in my nice warm fuzzy robe and read or watch TV. I don't feel bad, in fact, I feel better than I have in a long time, but I just feel lazy!! I'm sure this will pass, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts!!
Vickie J.

I've once again been invited to dinner Saturday night by my ex-husband. Sure wish we had gotten along so well when we were married!! Anyway, I'll go to my exercise class in the morning and sometime during the weekend I need to try to find a pair of boot cut jeans for a Western Texas Hold 'Em event I'm working at. Should be a quiet weekend, but since I'm not working today and not on call this weekend, how bad could it be??

You lucky girl, you are going to St Augustine and with a friend
Have a great weekend. I think I may go to the
Strawberry Festival in Plant City
I went to the Florida State Fair in Tampa had a wonderful time. I forgot I can go places by myself now I have my wheelchair.
You all have a GREAT weekend.

Tonight me and Sweet Kiki (from this site) are having dinner, we missed out Jan & Feb outing. After that we are having B*tchfest '05 part I either at my apartment or at a Starbucks, depends on where we go for dinner.
Tomorrow I have an invite to go to the Renasianse festival, but I think I am going to get some errands done, hair cut, clean house, and just veg-out. I need to save my strength for Disney the week after next. I'm not to interested in the RenFest anyway.
This evening we have a neighborhood block party. Got canceled last week because of the rain. The rest of the weekend will be spent with my brother and his wife who are going to visit from Jacksonville. I think they may be interested in retiring at The Villages. He may change his mind when he finds out a cousin has moved here and another thinking about it.