need help....don't know what to do
i have been feeling really bad the last few days . i have been running a low grade fever and not been able to keep food down . i eat and with in a hour i throw up . i woke up this morning i thought things would get better but now my glands are now really swollen . so what should i do ?
do i go to the er or just wait it out ? what are the signs of being dehydrated ? and i dont know if i am keeping my vitiamin down really need some input ....dont know what would be best to do . my lower back is killing me but i dont know why ... anyone that has any ideas or thoughts i would appericate it .
Tina, if you feel you can't wait til the morning due to discomfort/pain then I would go to the ER with information about your surgeon (name, phone number) that way they can call him if they discover anything they don't understand. The surgeon should be on-call via phone. Don't delay! It's better to be safe then sorry - keep us posted!!