Know Who Looks Good??
Amy B., that's who!!!!
I was so happy I got to say hello for a few minutes at her surgeon's office before she got back on the road to Orlando! I didn't make the last meet and greet, so it's been before Christmas since I've seen her last, but let me say how wonderful she looks!!
It was kinda funny to sit in another surgeon's office (other than my own) and just visit for a few minutes, but we didn't stay long and didn't disrupt anything.
Thanks for letting me take a few minutes to visit, Amy!!!!
Good morning, Jan!! Glad you got to visit with Amy B. If there is anything frustrating about the board is that we don't actually see what people are looking like now. Pics on the board are usually older and although the volunteers do a great job, it takes them a while to get all the pics updated.
I hope to make one of your meet and greets someday soon. Would love to meet and greet you all.
Have a great day.