CT scan tomorrow
I am sorry to hear you are having pain. The CT scran should not be a bad thing. I have been through several in the tummy area. The only thing is you have to lay still alot. I think when you do not feel will everything is uncomfortable. Good Luck. Get better, I want to see you at the next Meet & Greet if you can make it.

Yep, better get that authorization first. My insurance didn't pay for my head CT in January, said auth was needed, but when I asked the secretary at my PCP if she had gotten one she said you don't need one for those. So I called insurance, I had just seen the reason online, to ask what was up. I told them my PCP wasn't even contracted with them at the time, I had transitional care benefits so how would either of us know, they didn't have a contract and I still do not have a certificate of coverage. I was told to call and get it after the fact. They are also being buttheads about filling my Protonix prescription. They want proof that I have been tested and treated for H pylori.
You know insurance is causing most of the stress in my life, that is probably contributing to my health issues!!!

I have had far too many CT scans. I have one on Friday too.
Basically there are ones with contrast and ones without. It depends on what they are checking.
If it's without contrast, it takes maybe 5 minutes, you have to hold your breath a couple of times, you go through a little tube and you are done.
If it's with contrast, you either drink it or they inject it into your veins. If it goes into your veins, you get a bit warm, feels like you are peeing your pants (you aren't, it's just the contrast - it's a rather funny feeling), then you do the same thing mentioned above, and then you are done.
It's pretty quick.
Good Luck!