UPDATE: What's wrong with me?
I have an appointment to see a cardiologist on Wednesday. The one I was suppose to see on March 21st (my WLS wanted me to get clearance for hernia repair) had a cancellation today, when I talked to them this afternoon they said they had called me this morning to get me in today, but that now it was too late, and I would just have to keep my 21st appt. I asked what number they called, the girl who called was at lunch so they didn't know, but I had no message at work or at home.
So I called my PCP and she got me into another one. She is also putting me on a low dose of Toporil (I think that's it, the box in the kitchen). So we will see what happens. Please keep me on your prayer lists.
For more information about what's been happening...

I am on toporol. That is one area we have not been able to reduce the medications, high blood pressure. The doctor put me on toporal about 3 years ago. It was like my heart was stressing out on me with a rapid heart rate that caused my BP to go up. (Anxiety attack).
I am waiting for my new appt with my heart specialist and hopefully we can redo my meds in that area.