re: consult

There's nothing to it really.
You will meet with Jose first (his assistant)
He goes over tons of things with you.
Then Dr. Murr comes in. Usually very serious and he will tell you "you can die from this surgery". (no joke, he really said that to me) and he tells you the dangers and risks and everything you will go through.
That's about it!

You basically play the waiting game after the consult. By the time you reach his office, your paperwork should have already been submitted to them by Spectra. If you have anything additional to add to your file, bring it and have them send it through.
It usually takes them a couple of weeks to send everything over. At least that is what I recall. It might not take that long.
My advice is to first contact your insurance company to let them know what is going on and to expect info to be sent over. Find out from them exactly where the paperwork needs to go. Share this information with Dr. Murr's staff. Be persistant and follow up with both his staff and your insurance company. This ensures that your papers don't get lost in the pile somewhere.
My consult with Dr. Murr was mid August and my surgery was October 7th (was supposed to be the 12th). So you can basically count on that as a good timeframe. I got approval from my insurance company in 3 weeks.
Good Luck!!!!!