ER friday night
i been in some pain lateley.. did an ER trip on friday night... the er doc basically told me that its in my head... the surgents fellow seems a lil more worried because he said that if its still hurting on monday ( tomorrow and its still hurting now) that hes gonna do an admit... not to mention they told me to go back to the ER if i puke... and i did that today... but im just gonan wait till tomorrow... ill let yall know

Morning Alexa, I'm sorry to hear you're suffering. The emergency room docs have no understanding of WLS patients, you have to have them contact the surgeon as soon as possible. Don't let it slide, I've heard of many patients who were dismissed with a variety of simple diagnosis' (stomach flu, pain med seekers, that they just needed rest, the list goes on and on!) and it turned out to be something far more serious. Please contact your surgeon today, whether you are having pain or not, you surgeon needs to know what happened over the weekend.
Sorry I didn't get to your post sooner, but good luck and let us know what happens! More than likely its nothing serious and you'll be fine.
Take care.