I missed having your support.
I have really missed being on the board this last week. Tuesday morning, we received a call that my sister-in-law had passed away. She was the wife of my DH's older brother. We packed up immediately to run to the family's side there in Bradenton. She was great lady and we will miss her. She was MO for many years and the complications of it had put her in a wheelchair for the last 3 years. She was 74 years old so wls was not an option.
On our way home, we got a call that a family friend's daughter that has been like one of mine had gone in to respiratory arrest. She is 27 and had a heart and double lung transplant 6 years ago. Cancer has invaded her body and the doctors aren't giving her much chance to come off the ventilator.
Sorry if this is off the subject but I just wanted to say that I have missed talking to everyone and receiving support for my days. I am also just wanting to say that I stayed on my schedule and trying to stick with my protein, water, etc.
Looks like my life is going to be stressful for a while longer and I just wanted any advice and good thoughts you could send our way. Please "do what ever you do" in prayers , candles, dances or chants for this young woman. Regina is a special gift. She has overcome so much.
Thank you for listening and thank you for your support. I need it especially now.

I'm so sorry for your loss - God be with you and your family. Her's a poem I found helpful:
If we believe in dreams come true
If we can see the rough spots through
If we can dance amongst the rain
If we can sing songs of joy through the pain...
Then we can live to see the day
The sun will shine and melt away
The icy walls that once held us within
Crumbling away as we begin
To build a life so full of trust
So full of Love and all that is just
(James Robert Rowe)
You have certainly seen how fragile life can be this week, haven't you. I bet you're glad you're doing what you can to get healthier for yourself! In the meantime, it's good for you to give your family all the support you can and we will certainly be in prayer for Regina! Miracles do happen and no prayer is ever wasted.
Hang in there my friend!