Food for new post-ops (and anyone else who is interested!)
Hey all! As most of you know, I am 2 wks out, and so my doc just upped me to full liquids. I got to try cream soups today, and I found one that is heaven when adding a few simple seasonings!!! I swear it tastes like I am eating an Olive Garden breadstick with alfredo dipping sauce... mmmm...OLiVe GaRDeN....LOL
Well, this is what I did...I took a can of Cream of Potato (Campbell's) and mixed in a canful of 1% Lactaid with Calcium (you can use milk if you like). I stirred and added some ground pepper, a pinch of garlic salt, and some garlic powder to taste (more garlic powder than anything). When it was done, I took my hand blender (GE brand, but there are several out there) and blended all of it up because of the potato chunks until it was whipped and creamy. That was it! It was DELICIOUS!! I put the rest in little half cup containers to heat up later. (I bet you could even use this as an alfredo sauce substitute) If anyone else has any ideas for this stage, please let me know.
At that stage, all I ate was cream of potatoe soup and thick protein shakes. For me it only lasted a week, and that was more than enough variety. I do remember that after not eating anything, and then nothing but clear liquids, that first few bites of cream of potatoe soup tasted like the best meal in the world, it was manna from heaven. Good luck, Steve