Another health problem...
Just got home from the doctor...I think my strength and endurance is really being tested.
This morning I woke up and was really groggy and tired so I decided to sleep for another 30 minutes which turned into an hour. The entire time I was in the shower I was yawning. I thought about just calling off work and spending the day in bed. But I figured once I got going I would be fine.
After I got dressed I noticed my heart was racing. For a moment I thought I had just rushed too much getting ready. So I took some deep breaths and it was still racing. My breathing was fine. So when I got in my car I called my mom who is an RN. Typically she tells me I'm overreacting, but this time she said "you need to call your doctor". I was like, you're suppose to tell me it's going to be o.k. and to stop worrying. She said I needed to check my pulse and probably needed an EKG. So when I got to work I went to the student health center to see the nurse. My heartrate was 150, she told me I needed to go to the ER. I asked her if I could just see my PCP, so she called over to them. Then she told me I couldn't drive and she didn't even want me to walk back upstairs to my office.
So my boss came down and took me to the doctor. By the time I was seen, my heartrate was back to normal. They did and EKG and hooked me up to a Holter monitor for 24 hours. This was my PCP partner, my PCP wasn't in the office today. She said not to drive home, and if my heartrate goes back up to get to the nearest ER. So my boss brought me home. And I'm taking tomorrow off except for the cranial duplex I have scheduled for tomorrow. I told my boss that if I was a horse I would have already been taken to pasture and shot.
O.K. feels a little better to have put all of this into words. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I know it could be something minor, but with everything else I am dealing with there is just too much on my mind. It is also hard for me to ask others to help needing a ride to the doctors and home, and now tomorrow I will need a ride back.
Sarah Margaret
Hello Sarah, I feel you with the comment another health problem. I mean its one health issue after another lately.. Anyways, I went through this for the past 7 months and finanlly my Cardio. Dr. found out what was going on. Due to the fact that I dont eat regularly my body had not enough salt, and it cause my heart to have a heart condition called Supraventricular Tachycardia, I am on medication for it, and it has seemed to make the heart racing, and passouts to go away for the past month. You can check out some info. on it here: .
Really, good luck I know how terrible it feels when I have these attacks, I feel as if I am having a heart attack. If you have any questions ask me, I went Doctors for over 7 months till they found out what was going on after wearing a heart moniter for 60 days!! Tiff
Like Tiffini, I had problems with Superventricular Tachycardia or SVT from 1991 to 2000. One night in college I just woke up with a heart rate of 200. The highest I ever got to was in Japan, with a heart rate of 240 and BP of 230/200. Then I passed out. Adenosine became my best friend in those days.
Anyway, once we returned to the states in 2000 I had a catheter ablation. My doc ablated my heat in nine areas, essentially killing nine additional electrical pathways in there. I am not a doctor and don't know if this is even remotely what you have experienced. I just wanted to let you know so you feel better that there is treatment for conditions like the one I had (past tense).
PS - It sounds like ou have been through tons lately. Hopefully this is "just" stress, lack of sleep, etc.
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