?Q of the D?
Well let me see. It is home. No one tells me I talk funny. I can order sweet tea and grits in restaurants. I can wear sandals all year. I know what a gator sounds like, and what a rattlesnake sounds like. Christmas IS Christmas to me even if it is 85 degress. Then there is the smell of orange blossoms, the beach, pine trees and the smell of rain on a summer afternoon. The sounds of bob whites, meadow larks, and crickets. The feel of walking barefoot in warm sand, and soft grass (gotta watch for sand spurs!). I have lived in several states and I was even an alien resident of Japan, but nothing in the world compares to MY Florida. My Florida is not theme parks and tourists and traffic and strip malls. So very few visitors to the state these days get to experience my Florida. I am very sad for the people that come to Orlando and spend all of their time at the theme parks and then say "I have been to Florida".
Oh and did I mention it was home.