trouble sleeping after surgery
I did. I had some complications after surgery, but after I was moved from ICU to the regular floor I could not sleep at night. I spoke to my surgeon who prescribed a medication that helped me. I didn't become addicted and it did the trick! I got my body back on a regular
sleep schedule and I haven't had any trouble since. Speak to your surgeon or PCP about your trouble sleeping. I wouldn't want you to be recovering from surgery and be worn out by lack of sleep.

No matter what time I go to bed...I wake up around 2 am. Sometimes I can go back to sleep and other times I wonder around the house for an hour or two and then toss and turn the rest of the night. Before WLS, I would eat while I was up! I've been taking Resterol and it really helps get me back to sleep. It doesn't make me if I need to...I take it at 2 am, with no problems of getting back up at 6:30.