Q of the D
Wow That is an interesting question. I do most of the time as that is how I was raised. I understand now it is not required if you say Thank You to the person at the time of recieving the gift, I do not agree.
I like to recieve a Thank you when I take the time to shop for that special Wedding or New Baby gift. Is that to much to ask?
Yes, I am a little tee'd off as this happens to me all the time. 
I guess I miss good manners.
Ok I will get off my Soap Box.

I agree with Gail. This is an interesting question.
I , too, like the idea of a thank you sent to someone that took the time to give me something or spend time on me. I like to send a note of thanks
and really expect one back when I do something or send something to someone. I know it isn't always the case and I try not to get upset but I think good manners never go out of style. Guess it is the old fashion part of me.
My daughters also send thank you cards, sometimes I have to prompt them but they are pretty good about it.
Good question, Momma Smith

I think sending thank you notes is a very nice gesture, but I don't.!!!
All my friends know how hectic my life is(career/school/singleparent/house/etc) and they know how thankful I am to receive things from them. when things calm down, I'll get back to old habits.... I don't sweat the small stuff. (anymore) Vivi

Very good question, especially since this is one of my pet peeves. I was raised that you always send thank you's when you receive gifts or when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you.
I send thank you's all the time. I get really upset nowadays when the kids in my life don't send thank you's. But that is the parents fault. Especially if I send something to someone out of town. Hello, can you at least let me know you got the darn gift? LOL And what really surprises me is that most of the parents I know were raised like I was. I guess the times are a changing.
Jeesh, I am not a card sender...never was taught to send em' but after reading all these posts about people "expecting" a card for giving something kinda blows my mind. I twas taught to give and not expect anything in return. It is a courtesy to send thank-you cards I suppose, but ill mannered not to? Hmmm.... guess I'm just plain rude. LOL
I'm going to wally world tomorrow and get some thank-you notes to keep on hand! Never to late to reform huh?
Also I wonder if this learned manner is a "southern" thing? I was raised up north in Canada. Just a thoguht... wonder what the Maine board answers to this question would be.
Have a great day!

I do sometimes or at minimum do a verbal thank you. When I had the surgery - just before I went under - I thanked the doctor. I forgot the thank the anesthesiologist (wrong spelling). After I left the hospital I sent a thank card to the hospital staff. This week I thanked the Doc's office insurance specialist who did all the paperwork for me. I didn't even know that they had contacted my PCP, insurance etc..and I realized now that I had not thanked her. It feels good to receive but it sure feels better to "give" thanks as well.