did y'all miss me??
LOL, yeah the people eating food part sucks. My mom stayed with me and my husband until today, so for the past 6 days I have been watching them eat ribs, shephard's pie, chicken caccitore, etc. My mother is evil! LOL No, really she has been awesome and really helped out around here. No more drama, glad to report. (I don't know if you kept up on the few days before my surgery last week, but that was drama filled!) The Wish Center here closed, so my surgery got canceled last minute, then I got a new surgeon, and he performs it laparoscopically and kept the same surgery date--but then my broker called and said we couldn't close on the refinancing, it wasn't going to happen because even with my mom as a cosigner it wouldn't work because her husband went into early retirement, and she's a real estate agent--so no "steady income"--no matter what their net worth is...that sucked. Luckily it all came together last minute and my mom paid for the surgery. So not only did the money fall into place, I got my surgery laparoscopically! Whew! that was drama.
My recovery is going really well. The surgery was great. I just hope I am getting enough liquids in. I see the nutritionist wednesday, so we'll go over my evolving diet since I am still in the liquids for a week or so. Philly Swirl SF popsicles have become my new best friend though! woo hoo! lol. Well, that's about it. ttyl girlie!
Hi Bobby, no, amy an d I have not been to the meetings lately, shoot me an email and let me know when the next one will be. I really need to get back on the wagon!!!! Sorry I did not make it to Tampa yet, life on the thinner side spins a lot faster!! Still trying to decide if this is a good or a bad thing!!!