did y'all miss me??
Hi guys, I know I have been distant from the board, but I a back. I have been so busy w/ my new job, kid, house and... oh yeah, school is kicking my behind as well...
My Valentine's day sucked, I was th only woman in the office not to get flowers (again), plus I did not make my 151# goal.
I actually gained 3 pounds right before V-day, which puts me back up to 159!!!
I think it was due to aunt Flo being in town, but still, it does not make it any better... I missed all of you and will take the time to respond to posts and to email/call my indvidual OH friends... (you guys know who you are!!!)
good news: I'll be entering my first horse show in 12 years really soon!! I've been training, not as much as I'd like to have the time/$ to, but at least I'm out there! I'm literally "back on the sattle"!! lol
I see a lot of people are doing good, glad to see that!!!!
Well, enough "talks bout nuthin"
I missed you guys!!!

thx Ruth, you know, I think I have a V-days curse!!! I have NEVER had a good V-days, even (or should I say: specialy) when I was married, or was dating whatever jerk I was dating at the time!!!! What's up w. that??!!!!
I'm still waiting for Prince Charming to come break this spell!!
-Cheers, Vivi
btw: that crazy scale in my bathroom acused 155 this morning... can't compain much!!

Hey you!! how are ya???!! Dressage!!
I used to do show jumping when I was young(er)
, (3 foot square mostly).
I just got back on the saddle from a 12 year break!! I am re-learning dressage. Incredible the things you forget!! My balance is completely off, I can walk/trot/canter, but I'm still a little "jerkish" and need voice comand... It will all come back though, hopefully with less work than a fresh begginer would need!! It feels really good though, even if it is just for fun this time around!!