Does everyone lose their hair?
I'm 5 months out and I also take Biotin, but I get in about 80-100 grams of protein a day and have not lost any hair. However, in spite of my best efforts, my nails bit the dust, so now I'm getting acrylics. At least they look better! Some people lose hair, some don't and the more protein the better from what I've heard.

I lost hair from the 5th month until now~7.5 months out. I finally see it stopping and growing back now. I lost it mostly in the front so I had my hairdresser thicken my bangs a bit. There isn't much you can do to avoid it, but taking vitamins made me feel that maybe I was helping it in some way (mind over matter). But my doctor, surgeon and numerous articles that I read say you can't prevent it from happening, but remember it does grow back

Funny, just last night I was sitting at a WLS group and looking at hair. My hair has always been thin and fine, I've lost hair. People with thick hair thins little but you don't see their scalp like the fair haired people. Yes I've taking vitamins, biotin and the shampoos. It's all in the cards your dealt. Oh well. It still was worth it.

I lost a lot of hair!!!! thankfully you cannot see my scalp because all the new hair's filled that out. I lost from 5-6.5 months out and now it has come to a complete hault. I was about to lose my mind over it. So don't sweat it too much, no one's gone bald post surgery! Some will lose more than others, but whatever you lose, comes back, and comes back prettier!! Also, no, you won't need a hair piece or a wig!! So relax and enojoy your weight loss. When the hair fall and u feel like screaming, just think that the hair will come back, but the weight won't, so every little strand in the sink or on the floor it totally worth it!!!!! I did not take biotin, use speciall shampoos and I am not very good about sticking to protein count and vitamins (workin on it) I have thinning hair to start with, so I knew for sure I'd go bald... IT DID NOT HAPPEN!! The one thing that I did, and made me feel better, was buy a small lint roller and I carried it in my purse, so every one in a while I'd roll it across my back and catch that nasty hair
it is very unsightly to go around w. all that lose hair stuck to you back!!! happy losing, Vivi