Another accomplishment
I have had quite a week already, guys and really needed something to cheer me on today. Well, I just weighed myself and I am officially under 40 BMI! Woo Hoo! Many of you know I started my journey last June 2nd at 432lb (63 BMI) and today I am 277 (-155lb). Since I'm very tall (5'10), my first goal is 200lb, then I'll shoot for 180 as a stretch goal and if I can qualify for PS, I'll aim for 160. Anyway, things are going well on the weightloss front and I am still in shock that I have lost 18lbs since our last Meet and Greet on Jan 21st and I'm 8 months's weird.
Anyway, have a great day and I'll talk to you all soon.

I wish I could tell you things were wonderful, but they weren't. I went to his place and we watched "Big Fish". He was distant, I pushed the issue and eventually left feeling very uncomfortable like I had displayed all my insecurities. I wish I could have just kept my big mouth shut, but no, I had to know why he wasn't being his normal self. To be honest, I may have blown it, but I cant cry over it. I guess it's better to find these things out early rather than later. Anyway, I have coffee plans with a couple other guys lined up, so we'll see...
To be honest, maybe it is too soon for me to do more than just coffee since I have so much to digest emotionally since surgery, but I do know I am ready to take more risks than I was before surgery.
I still believe: Everything happens for good reason.
Thanks for asking.