4 weeks ago..............
Hi Alexa
I was up in Weston yesterday at a BBQ at my boyfriend's cousin's house. I always get so lost in Weston, his cousin lives off of Weston Hills Blvd. I think.
Anyway, I hope you start feeling less yucky as you get further out. What stage of eating are you at? Pureed? Once I hit the soft food stage of eating, I started feeling better by the day because I felt like I was eating something of sustenance. Once I got through soft food and into regular food (minus raw vegetables, fruits and pork) I felt even better.
Keep hanging in there, these stages all pass fairly quickly. Congrats on the 31 pound loss, that is awesome!

Congrationlations on your loss. Forever gone
You will see your attitude on food will change. I think I want something and before I make it or buy it, I am not interested anymore. I am then eating it to have something in my stomach.
About the time I went nack to work is when I wanted to stay home and go go go. I was just beginning to feel like me again. (Wish I could have prolonged the time off a couple more weeks, I would have had a great vacation.)