tampa wish center closing
For everyone who had WLS in Tampa by the Wish Center they are closing and leaving Tampa. There was an ad in the Tampa Tribune a week ago stating due to Florida's Health Care system they are closing shop. I hate to see them go, they are a bunch of wonderful people there. My only problem with this is the fact that I had to pay $1850.00 for a lifetime group support fee and I ahve called the main Wish Center number several times and noone returns the calls. If anyone out there is in the same boat as I am please let me kow if you have heard anything else..Thanks!! Stephanie 336/275/??? Nov 29, 2004 -58
Hi Stephanie
I too had my surgery with the Wish Center and am very sad to see them go but I too want to see that money back. My friends and I are working on trying to put a support group back together for us but that doesnt change the fact that they didnt live up to their side of the deal. Keep trying because the more we bug them, the more they will hear us.
Best of luck and future success.
MY sister went to them but could not afford the $5,000 up front as she is on medicare, Now thank god she did not use them,. I know they are thought highly off but i would be pissed if she no longer had support and a doctor likeyou guys. I would get a lawyer for the refund on your lLifetime deals. god bless you all and hopefully you will not need a doctors follow care other than your PCP
God Bless
joyce nj