thin(ner) does not solve
all your problems. I knew in my head that all my insecurities would not go away by having surgery and losing weight. I had surgery 8 mos"s ago and have lost 105lbs. It just suddenly hit me how I still feel so inadequate. I wont bore you all with all the details but I signed up for a spanish class at work and never went because I suddenly thought..oh my goodness I will have to answer in spanish in front of other people. it is more than this but I feel so sad. I know everyone will remind me how the surgery will not fix everything. I know. I guess I hopped it would be different. It would be nice to live for once. just venting..I know there is no answer.
You are right there is not a magic pill or surgery that will FIX everything. I know I was one that sat at the back of the class and would almost die if someone called on me to speak in front of others. I have found that having friends, true friends help I several of them right here. We get together very couple months and we vent here and in emails to each other.
It is hard to stand up front and believe people do not count you differently then any one else. I have not had my WLS yet but I have been working on the self esteem and my insecurities. I hope the best for you. Taking that first step is the hardest, but it has to be done to get you out of the back of the room.

first... you are doin great on your weight loss!!! yay... ok number 2.... its ok to feel sad... its a normal feeling... i know it dont seem normal but it is and it dont feel good to feel sad either.... and i know that to.... like you said everyone will remind you how teh surgery is not a quick fix to everything so i wont remind you of that... but i will remind you that sometimes... after surgery there is a need for some physch followup ( no im not saying your crazy) but sometimes a lil medication will help you get over this drop... or make it at least tollerable
good luck and i wish you the best
Thanks for finally saying it! Everyone is sooo positive and upbeat about this situation and no one has said the negative side of this which is depression etc. Val is coming up soon and though I have lost a good amt of weight - I still have no date - and still feel like a I understand your sadness. I know I'm not a loser - but yet I feel like a loser. This doesn't not make you feel better on other levels - but we'll all pull through, right?