??Question of the day??
I will help with Resident Advisor interviews on Saturday and Sunday I have to prepare for a very, very, very busy week at work. So I will get things ready around the house (make sure I have enough clean undies), and rest.
If I could do anything...I would either go to NYC...or visit my friend Dave in LA..haven't seen him since December of 2001. Was suppose to present with him at a conference last year, but I got sick and ended up in the hospital for a week.

hrmm...unlimited you say? woo hoo!!! i would definitely pack up, sell the house and move to france with the hubby! we are considering this after school is done, but if the funds were unlimited, it wouldn't be a question. Also, I'd buy a house in California, and maybe one in Japan (my husband loves it there). I'd have to get something extra special for mother because without her, I wouldn't be here! Then I would travel all the time, sometimes bringing my friends and family in for a visit, enjoying life with my husband, and starting a family. Then my kids would go to private school and get the best education ever! Definitely start some kind of charity for children and obesity. Maybe even a free center for them to go to for advice, help, and training for exercise and nutrition. Heck if the funds were unlimited, why not a whole chain! (Can ya tell i've thought about this before?) LOL Yeah, that's what I'd do.
*31 hours to go.