??Question of the day??
I think I would build my hubby a barn cause all his stuff is everywhere in the yard... I have a huge beautiful yard when all his fishing stuff isnt laying around.
Then I would buy me a brand new truck. We have 4 trucks and only 2 work and 1 of the 2 is ready to go to.
As far as doing something for myself I would buy me some clothes and go to a spa and maybe a make over. I have always wanted a make over.
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I would take off to south Florida and rent me a house on the water. It is going to be cold up here in the panhandle this weekend. Cold is not my friend.
Of course if means were unlimited .............I would join Jan out there shopping.
I, too, am shopping in my closet right now but wouldn't it be fun going out and buying for just the short times we are in clothes now.