Can anyone explain this?
Does this mean I may be able to have surgery if my doctor says it is necessary? I'm confused and I do not want to get excited if this is saying that I may not have a chance.
Services Not Covered By The Plan
All services, supplies, and prescription drugs related to obesity or weight reduction except:
1. medically necessary intestinal or stomach by-pass surgery, or
2. medically related services, excluding prescription drugs, provided as part of a weight loss program when weight loss is required by the covered person's surgeon before performing a medically necessary covered surgical procedure. Coverage for these services is limited to $150 in any 12-month period.
Thanks for any help,
I'd say check with the insurance provider but it does sound promising IF you can prove WLS is medically necessary. My policy also required a determination of medical necessity so I had my PCP, pulmonologist, both orthopedic surgeons and my chiropractor write letters stating that the surgery was medically necessary and why. My surgeon submitted all 5 letters as supporting documentation and after 3 months, I was approved on the first try.
Good luck!
Vickie J.