I promised to post about hernia repair
Sorry it has taken so long. My surgery was on Monday and went well. The hernia was bigger than the surgeon first thought and ended up meshing quite a bit of my abdomen. He took out the railroad track looking old scars from my open RNY and now I have a nice thin line. The abdomen is still very swollen and I have a drain.
Now the down side. Somehow or another I overdosed on Morphine the morning after surgery. I was unable to alert the hospital stuff..well actually I thought they knew and were trying to cover it up. They did a flimsy investigation and swept it under the carpet. I was in respiratory distress. Took all my energy just to breath. This has definately slowed my recovery. But, I am getting stronger daily. This surgery was very different from my RNY. Will post more later.
You know you don't think about how much you use those tummy muscles. I have been a very good girl. Only take the binder off when I shower. I get the drain out tomorrow. Belly is still really bloated. Will have a hard time finding something to wear for a few more days. Or until the bloating is gone down. Just getting the drain out will be so much better I am sure. I still am not bouncing back as quickly as I thought I would. Still spend lots of time in bed. Take a couple naps a day. And up and down throughout the night. Walked a little outside yesterday. I mean I do walk in the house and stuff not like I am on my back 24/7. I am below goal weight so a big walks in the neighborhood causes my weight to drop further. Still no appetite. I can tell everyday does get better though. Take care OH friends.