Question of the Day??????
I am just starting to exercise so I really don't hit too much yet. I guess when it starts wearing me out, I will slow down some. Over doing is dangerous for anyone, I think. I think overdoing is done mostly because we don't work our self up to more repetitions or added weight. Over doing weight can tear muscle or ligaments. I have seen that done with my husband. Of course, we are older so maybe that comes into the picture too.

Too much is anything that keeps you from coming back for more. When you've worn yourself out to the point where you don't continue with your exercise regimn is bad news! Always start out easy and slowly increase your exercise, whether its weight training, aerobic or yoga, it doesn't matter, you have to take it slow and don't stop. Sure we all have days where we just can't bring ourselves to work out (for me its the entire week of my period! ick!) but you get right back at it when you can and keep going. I know there is the urge to start out gun-ho strong but that can only get you in trouble, after all things have changed in your life, as was mentioned in the previous posting, your age, weight, current physical ability, health and so much more, so factor it all in when you hit the gym but above all enjoy yourself and take it slowly.