Asking Dr's about Self Pay
I've pretty much decided to go the self pay route with surgery - and it's been suggested to me that I call around to different Dr's near me to see what hospital/Dr combo offers the best opportunity for me to pay for everything myself. My question is in general, do all Drs accept self pay? Or only some? If I call a Drs office and request info about self pay would any offices take offense to that? Thanks!
Michelle B.

From past experience with other health problems I would think Doctors would like self pay. My insurances always negotiated the fees down so I would think self Pay would be good. Dr Jawad in Ocala lists his self pay price on his web site.
I don't think any doc would be offended if you asked about self-pay. You might also ask them if they discount fees for self-pay since we all know that insurance companies don't pay in full what the doc charges.
Good luck with your search and if you're interested, we have a WLS support group in Tallahassee that meets at least once a month (we're trying for twice a month, but just starting the 2nd meetings). I'll be glad to send you the info of where & when if you'll e-mail me.
Vickie J.

I don't think they would take offense. I would make sure that is the first question you ask in reference to the surgery though. I wouldn't want to make them list a bunch of things and then find out they don't accept self pay. I am self pay and found out that some doctors do not accept it. Good luck and keep us posted!!