Houston, we have a problem.
Hey all! Well, I am really starting to wonder if this surgery and me were meant to be. I know that I am ready for the surgery, but maybe He
doesn't think so...let me tell ya what is going on now:
I referred a friend to The Wish Center and she had her appt. scheduled for today. The Wish Center then called her to tell her they are "closing their doors" and shutting down the Tampa Branch office due to some rough competition.
So she preceeds to tell me and I call them concerned because my surgery is scheduled for next week. Well, they let me speak directly with my surgeon, and he knows about as much as I do.
It was sudden and unexpected I guess. I have already dropped almost 10k into TWC so I was concerned. Apparently they are closing down 1 week after my surgery, therefore I probably will not get proper aftercare. My surgeon and I both don't feel he should operate on me if I cannot get the kind of care they had originally intended for me. (Not to mention my staples come out a week after they close for good!) So now I don't know what to do!! I am a firm believe in "everything happens for a reason" and I take signs seriously. I didn't think self pay was supposed to be this hard. No insurance hurdles are prerequisites...just bam! here's my money! I am really wondering if this isn't a sign from God that I shouldn't go through with the surgery.
Also, I am supposed to return to LA for the taping of the last half of that show in May...and I don't think I can find another surgeon to take me in the next few weeks for surgery. I don't know. I just don't know. What do i do? Where do i go from here? help!!!!!!!
ps thanks so much for listening guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry to hear that you've run into such a snag! The first thing I'd do is call the center and ask when I can come pick up my $10K refund check!!! The next thing I'd do, is get on the phone and call all the surgeon's in your area doing wls. Explain the situation and ask if they cab work you in on or near you scheduled date. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
I, too, believe in signs, so this might be a good time review why you're having this surgery and if those reasons are still valid. Good luck and I hope things work out well for you!
Vickie J.
Dr. Cox's office in Ft. Lauderdale works fast. They let me have some of my testing up here in Jacksonville, so maybe they would be open to transfering your records and getting you set up for surgery with them. Just call and explain what happened and how close you were to surgery. It's worth a try! (954)928-0079
Good Luck,
Erika L

thanx ladies! I will call on that Erika. I have already called a few surgeons here in Tampa Bay area. Dr. Murr looks the most promising right now, I have to call back tomorrow. Anyone heard anything on him? Dr. Estigarribia in Bradenton said they can get me in March. I am going to keep trying, and I am guessing if this really was a sign, then it just won't happen. What do you think...sign or obstacle? LOL
Thanks again!
I know the feeling after having 2 surgery dates and cancelled and looking for new surgeons I went to Dr.Murr and I am so very happy I did. Susan worked me in as quick as possible since I had the approval already. Cash pay I would think would be easier. Dr.Murr's group is great. I had surgery 9/8/o4 and down 84#'s what more could I ask for with no problems post-op. any questions just e-mail me. DON't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a sign watcher too, Phoenix. This looks more like a obstacle to me. Maybe just a chance for you to step back and make sure you have it all together and go for another surgeon that has a stable department he is working with. It would have been just as bad if you had gone through with the surgery and went back for after care and everyone was gone. :question: At least way you can change and go on. I have a feeling you are just suppose to have the surgery somewhere else. I think everyone has given you some great choices not too far from you.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Hi Phoenix!
First of all I am so sorry about what you are going through! I am a post-op of Dr. Murr. He and his staff are nothing short of amazing. I am sure that you would be pleased with them. He truly cares for his patients aftercare. I have spent quite a bit of time volunteering different events he has been involved in. If you need some help maybe expediting things, email me and I will see what I can do. Check out my profile, it has lots of info about their practice on there.
Best of luck to you in whomever you choose.
laprny 1-6-04
plastics 12-14-04
thanks again for all your replies!! and Lori, i will take you up on that as soon as i know what i can or cannot do from here. i am supposed to hear back from the wish center tomorrow...and then i'll know about my money and what is going to happen. Does Dr. Murr work with Dr. Fernandez? (that would be interesting because Dr. Fernandez is the competition that forced TWC to close! LOL)
Okay, as for the signs, I am going to take it as maybe Dr. D wasn't supposed to be my surgeon. I am still going to try and get the surgery soon, because I made my choice for a reason. Thanks again for all your support!!!